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Home // Blog // BATTLE POWER – DMG and DEF % Factor Explanations

Dear Players – because many of you wondering what is exactly influencing on provided and received damages – lets explain little general dmg def rules.


Base X% Dmg Bonus on First BP difference where X= 25
Every Y amount of BP to give Z% dmg bonus where Y= 10
Amount of Z% dmg given for every BP bonus where Z= 5
Max Number of BP Difference to provide bonus = 400 BP

Explanation: When player will be higher then 50 BP then enemy as first bonus will gain 10% dmg boost, every next 5 BP will get +2% additional bonus. When player will be 500 BP higher then enemy will gain: 10+(498/5*2)% Dmg Bonus – that gives around 210% bonus DMg at max with over 500BP higher then enemy.

Base X% Bonus on First BP difference where X= 50
Every Y amount of BP to give Z% def bonus where Y= 10
Amount of Z% def given for every BP bonus where Z= 3
Max % bonus from BP difference to achieve = 96%

Explanation: When player will be 50 BP higher then enemy will receive +20% Def bonus on start and +1% additionally for every next 7 BP higher = e.g. 507 BP difference will make 5%+(500/7*1)%= 91% bonus %Def on total dmg taken. When player will be 637 BP higher then enemy Max Def% bonus will be applied = 95%

CURRENT SETTING is for Current Server State where BP on all characters is still on low ranges. In time when BP will be higher, differences will rise – this part will be updated properly to server realm!

DMG DEF Bonuses some details:
In game there are more then 1 factor that decides about how much damage player is providing to Players and Monsters.

PVP = Player VS Player 


* Character attributes: Patk, Matk, Pdef, Mdef + HP (this consist from attributes coming from gear attributes and goddess attributes …)
* Converged Demons attributes (Patk and Matk are mainly added to total dmg amount as base)
* Elements on gear – every 1 Element provide +1% Dmg and +1% Def Boost (only highest element is counted not all elements together as bonus! Which means if you have +50 air elements and +49 fire elements – you will get +50% bonus from the air element!) (Def bonus from Elements doesnt work on PVP)
* Gems bonus – Cirtrines %dmg, Beryl-Dmg%. They are boosting BASE dmg and lowering base dmg provided from enemy. Ambers just work as BP change factor.
* Spirits – boosint gear certain attributes that are provided to character and providing additional BP
* Goddess – depending on player choice can provide all kind of attributes boost to character base: +eleemnts, +patk, +matk, +pdef, +mdef, +BP, +HP
* Skill damage – most skills are in some way Multipliers of %Dmg from base amount. This means if Base dmg of player is 100dmg then skill givng 120% will provide 120 dmg from this skill!
* Knights – Dervish can provide 70% DMG bost on Base Damage, Guardian can provide -70% reduction on damage on total DMG received from enemy.
* Battle Power (BP) – this factor is multiplier of Total Damage. Means will provide DMG Boost from all sources together, same as Def – dmg reduction from total dmg taken.


BASE DAMAGE = (Player Attributes + Gear Attributes(this including bonus from spirit) + goddess attributes)
MAIN DAMAGE = [BASE DMAAGE (Player Attributes + Gear Attributes(this including bonus from spirit) + goddess attributes) * Citrines %dmg * Skill multipler * Dervish %] + Demons Dmg bonus from its attributes
FINAL DAMAGE = Main Damage * Battle Power % BONUS

This means BP is affecting TOTAL DMG and DEF on player while rest % bonuses affecting dmg from stats.

Similar is about DEF Boost. When player receive 95% DEF bonus for being 110 BP higher at current settings – then this 95% is covering TOTAL Dmg that is receiving (meaning if you gain 70% reduction from guardian – BP def boost will provide additional % reduction from Dmg that will be given after guardian bonus given. Example: player getting 100 DMG as base. When use Guardian – will receive 30 dmg (after 70% reduction). Then if player have 95% (max) bonus from BP as well will receive 30×95% reduction = 1-2 dmg is what will get in the end only covering all % bonuses!

This means player Must put attention to ALL factors and plan properly tactic. Battle Power Is important – but as long player stats wont be properly cared – % bonus will not do much of effect anyway!

PVM = Player VS Monsters

PVM is not working exactly same as PVP – to be clear under this. There are NO additional damage from BP anymore when hunting monsters like in old days.
Whats left is just % Bonus to DMG given monsters depending on how bigger BP player from monster as well how much % more dmg player will take when is at lower BP amounts.

What is Level Difference?
Monster POWER LEVEL = Monster level only. Example Guards are 400 Lvl
Player level that count vs Monster level = Player BASE BP (normal lvl + god lvl + gifts…)  + gear BP bonuses


MONSTER to PLAYER giving damage basing on Power Levels Difference when Monster is higher:
Monster higher by 3 Power Levels then Player: 200% dmg to player
Monster higher by 5 Power Levels then Player: 300% dmg to player
Monster higher by 10 Power Levels then Player: 500% dmg to player
Monster higher by 20 and more Power Levels then Player: 2.000% dmg to player (13.01.2018 changed from 700 to 2.000)

PLAYER to MONSTER giving damage basing on Power Levels Difference when Player has Higher level:
Player Higher then Monster in Power level by 3: 150% more damage to monsters
Player Higher then Monster in Power level by 5: 200% more damage to monsters
Player Higher then Monster in Power level by 10: 250% more damage to monsters
Player Higher then Monster in Power level by 20 and more: 500% more damage to monsters (13.01.2018 changed from 300 to 500)

Of course this % bonus apply to player BASE DAMAGE amounts. So if player will wor on patk or matk on all ways – then the base dmg will be multiplied like presented.

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